Photo by Ivana Šakić / @tasty_business
I am a fan of cities, balconies and high ceilings. A fan of travels that carry you off and away. Travels which allow you, whenever you remember them, to restore flavors, fragrances, vistas and smiles. A fan of morning light and empty streets brimming with someone's memories.
And a fan of travels that do not require you to cross any boundaries. Because there are none.
I love to travel differently. To travel through other people's images. As well as my own. To travel with rhyme and reason, with an eye for detail, slowly, without any pressure, with a to-do list that says:
Slow down
Project: We Travel was born out of desire to merge my love for travel, writing and connecting with people around the globe. Since I like reading nicely arranged words, photographs that tell a story, I decided that this should be the place where I will bring together people who appreciate the same things. The people who will start packing their bags after they read a text and leave for places I write about, and the people who have the ability, just like I do, to close their eyes and be in that very place. Right now, at this very moment. Without any luggage.
In Project: We travel I will learn alongside you how to truly connect to places we go to or live in and how they can change our life.
When I am in my city, when I am not packing any bags, when I am not going far away, I find my happy place on top of the mountain in my home town, with my children and my husband.
I drink up to four cups of coffee a day and enjoy it.
I am living at least three lives in this one that I have and I am learning how to find meaning in everything I do.
I love people, foreign languages and violin... In fact, there are many things that I love and I will let you gradually discover them in my texts.
I promise to make an effort to make my sentences longer and always find a way for you to hit upon the one that you will take away with you into your own life. That makes every single thing worthwhile!
My name is Ana and I am happy that you are here. Here of all places and you of all people.